Omani silver jewellery
The following is a list of books that are referenced in this website and that are part of our Oman / Zanzibar collection. The most important books are discussed in detail and with photographs in the "Books & Maps" section.
1888 First English edition second issue by Ward and Downey of memoirs of an Arabian princess. The covers of each issue of the English first edition was published in a different colour, just like the German first editions!
1680 Naukeurige beschryving van Asie by Dapper, published by Jacob van Meurs. Amsterdam Includes a large view of Muscat
1774 Beschryving van Arabie by Niebuhr. Publsihed by J van Baalde, S.J. & Schoonhoven Amsterdam Utrecht (includes first map of Oman and plans of Muscat)
1822 Narrative Of A Journey Into Khorasan by Baillie Fraser. Published by Longman London. (Our copy contains an original manuscript letter about his visit to the sultan and a portrait made by him of the sultan)
1837 Narrative of a Journey into the Interior of Oman, in 1835 by lieutenant Wellsted, Indian Navy. Communicated by Sir John Barrow, Bart.Read April 10 1837 London The Royal Geographical society Includes the first detailed map of Oman.
1837 Narrative of a journey from the tower of Ba-l-haff on the southern coast of Arabia, to the ruins of Nakab al Hajar in April 1835 Read Jan 1837 By Wellsted. London The Royal Geographical society
1838 Travels in Arabia by Wellsted . London John Murray Description of the interior Includes a fine map The valuable first detailed description of Oman including a detailed map of the interior of Oman.
1841 Travels to the City of the Caliphs along the shores of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean by Wellsted Lea & Blanchard Philadelphia
1846 Haines & Saunders Chart of the south east coast Arabia compiled from Trigometric surveys Indian Navt Sheet II Bombay indian navy (I have the 1850 edition)
1853 Act for carrying into effect the engagement between Her Majesty and Syed Sijf bin Hamood the Chief of Sohar in Arabia for the more effectual Suppression of the slave trade London George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode
1854 Notes of travel or recollections of Majunga, Zanzibar, Muscat, Aden Mocha and other Eastern Ports by Osgood
1856 Voyage a la cote orientale d´Afrique execute pendant les annees 1846, 1847, 1848. Sous le commandement de M. Guillain capitage de fregate. Publie par ordre du gouvernement. by Charles Guillain, Paris Arthus Bertrand 1845 (published 1856) not in my collection
1871 History of the Imams and Seyyids of Oman Salil Ibn Razik translated from the Arabic by George Percy Badger. London Hakluyt society
1872 Octagonal lithographed Miniature Koran. Muhammad Jawad(?) al-matba'al Haydariyah (?) found in the ruins of the palace in Zanzibar after the bombardment in 1896
1873 Dhow chasing in Zanzibar waters and on the Eastern Coast of Africa by Capt Sullivan . Sampson Low, Marston, Low Searle
1874 Annals of Oman by Sheik Sirhan Bin Said. Translated by Ross. Journal of Asiatic society Very Rare
1874 Treaty between Her majesty and the Sultan of Zanzibar for the suppression of the slave trade signed at Zanzibar June 5 1873 London Harrison and sons
1875 Arabistan or the land of the Arabian nights by Perry Fog Hartford Connecticut Dustin Gilman. Contains interesting description of the souq in Muscat incl auction of a sword (same practice existed until quite recently)
1886 Memoiren einer Arabischen Prinzessin by Emily Ruete / Bibi Salme. Berlin LuckhartVery Rare. Our copy belonged to Rudolph Said Ruete, the son of Bibi Salme). We also have a proof edition of volume 1 with notes by Bibi Salme. All with the fine book-plates and signatures of Rudolph.
1888 Memoirs of an Arabian Princess by Emily Ruete / Bibi Salme . London Ward and Downey The covers of different issues of this first English edition have different colors. Extremely Rare.
1888 Memoirs of an Arabian Princess by Emily Ruete / Bibi Salme New York Appleton (probably pirate copy on cheap paper) Quite common
1888 Mekka by Snouck Hurgronje Den Haag Nijhof. Includes interesting story regarding the use of jewelry with vetian coins with on one side the picture of the Doge and on the other side the image of Christ. Snouck Hurgronje was greatly amused by the fact that the Muslim women of Mekka loved these coins: in my silver collection there are two Omani earrings, each with several of these (gold washed) old venetian coins!
1888 Chart of the North East coasts of Arabia from Maskat to ras sukra surveyed by comr sanders and Lt m. Grieve Indian navy
1888 Chart of the South East coasts of Arabia from ras sukra to palinurus shoal compiled from trigometric surveys by comrs Haines and Sanders and Lt a.m. Grieve indian navy by Haines Grieve
1892 Persia and the Persian question by Lord Curzon London Longmans Contains a section on Oman. This copy was given as a present by Lady Curzon to Percy Cox (former assistant of Curzon) with his fine book-plate showing himself dressed up in Arab costume and the book covers replaced by original painted Lacquer Persian boards (of older date)
1892 Lehrbucher des seminars fur Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Dr. B. Moritz, Band IX Stuttgart @ Berlin W. Speman 1892 A collection of manuscript texts in Arabic form Oman and Zanzibar and translated into German. Facsimile letters of the manuscripts have been added at the end of the book. The texts include many commercial letters and personal letters.
1895 Exploration of the frankincense country, southern Arabia by Theodore Bent London Geographical Journal
1896 Journal of an excursion in Oman,in south East Arabia by Miles. London Geographical Journal
1896 Forty minutes work at Zanzibar from photographs of the town taken after the bombardment. London: Supplement to the Graphic October 10 1896. Detailed article with photos of the Shortest war ever including pictures of the bombed palace of the Sultan.
1898 Mascate Bibliotheque illustree des voyages auteur du Monde par terre & Par Mer Directeur C. Simond Paris Denis de Rivoyre . Contains illustrations / photos of Muscat. (same booklet is also available in Italian)
1898 Mittheilungen des seminars Orientalische sprachen an der Koniglichen Friedrich Wilhelms Universitat Contains part of the Arabic text of the work by Razik and the translation into German
1898 Meine Reisen in Syrien und Palastina mit besonderer berucksichtigung der dortigen Deutschen Tempelgemeinden mit eienr Karte by Said Ruete . Berlin 1898 Verlag von Dietrich Reimer. Exlibris (red stamp) of the german ethnographic collector Julius Riemer
1899 / 1900 Vom Mittelmeer zum Persischen Golf by Max von Oppenheim Berlin Reimer. Contains pictures of Muscat, detailed pictures of 2 Khanjars and a description of the use of the Omani matchlock. Oppenheim was an archaeologist, explorer and German spy (all at the same time)
1899 Voyage a Mascate en 1898 Folio size magazine with great photos of Muscat. (French)
1900 Arabia the cradle of Islam by Zwemer. Zwemer work for the Dutch reformed church of America who had around 1900 also a mission in Muscat.
1901 Mascate Voyage execute a la fin de 1898 by Allemann in Tour du monde Tome Vii nouvelle Serie 7e liv 16 Fevrier 1901 (main focus on Muscat and surroundings with many photos) This large article is also available in Dutch.
1902 Three Journeys in Northern Oman by S.M. Zwemer London Geographical Journal At that time Zwemer run the mission of the Dutch reformed church of America in Muscat.
1902 Topsy Turvy Land Arabia pictured for children by A.E. and S.M. Zwemer Very interesting children's book with descriptions and pictures relevant to Oman!
1902/1903 Tippu Tip H. Brode , Maisha ya Hamed bin Muhammed El Murjebi, in Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen Abteilung III, Jahrgang V: p 175-277 und VI p1-55 1902/1903 (First edition of Tippu Tip's autobiography, transcribed by Brode into Swahili and in parallel translated into German)
1903 Le Droit Abadhite chez les musulmans de Zanzibar & de L'afrique Orientale (about Ibadism Law) by Alfred Imbert, Published by Jourdan in Alger
1905 Memoires d'une princesse arabe traduit de l'allemand by BibI Salme Translated by l. Lindsay (first French translation)
1905 Tippu Tip, Lebensbild eines zentralafrikanischen Despoten, nach seinen eigenen Angaben dargestellt by Heinrich Brode . Berlin Wilhelm Baensch, 1905
1907 Memoirs of an Arabian Princess New York Stratchey First illustrated edition in English
1907 Südarabien-Expedition by Muller . Jemen. Zoologie, Sokotra 1907
1910 ON THE BORDER OF THE GREAT DESERT: A JOURNEY IN OMAN by Miles (cutout of Geographical Journal)
1910 Stuhlmann handwerk und industrie in Ostafrika Friederichsen & Co Hamburg Discusses crafts / art by different tribes in East Africa but covers also some Omani / Swahili handwork including silver-work.
1911 Gun running and the Indian north west frontier by Keppel London John Murray
1911 Notes on Oman (with 10 illustrations) by Zwemer. London. National Geographical Society
1920 The peoples of Zanzibar, their customs and religious believes by Godfrey Dale archdeacon of Zanzibar Universities mission to central Africa Westminster London. Interesting source!
1920 The influence of Animism on Islam an account of popular superstitions by Zwemer. (very interesting book about superstition, magic and amulets in Arabia / Oman)
1923 Witu Inseln und Zanzibar archipel by Voelzkow
1923 Reise in Ostafrika in den jahren 1903-1905. Witi inzeln Zanzibar Archipel Stuttgart
1924 Persian Gulf Pilot comprising the Persian gulf, the gulf of Oman, and the Makran coast (our copy full of manuscript notes, clearly belonged to a captain who sailed for years in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (very Rare)
1925 Some excursions into Oman by Percy Cox . London The Royal geographical Society
1926 Chronology & genealogies of Zanzibar (Oman) rulers of Zanzibar rulers Prepared by w.h. Ingrams assistant secretary Zanzibar government. Printed by the Government printers Zanzibar
1929 Said bin Sultan. Rudolph Said-Ruete London Alexander Ousely limited (Biography of his grandfather)
1930 Alarms & excursions in Arabia by Bertram Thomas London George Allen & Unwin
1930 The Kumzari Dialect of the Shihuh Tribe, Arabia (i.e. Oman Musandam), and a vocabulary by Bertram Thomas. From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, October 1930.
1931 (1967) Zanzibar and its People (reprint of the 1931 edition) by Ingrams Haarlem Frank Cas
1932 Arabia Felix by Bertram Thomas Across the empty quarter of Arabia London Jonathan Cape Bertram Thomas was Wazir to H.H. the Sultan of Muscat and Oman.
1936 The Silver Jubilee Book of His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar 1911-1936 Nairobi Kenya East African Standard.
1936 Report on Economic and Commercial conditions in the Persian Gulf (Incl Oman) by F.H. Todd December 1936. British government paper. This copy belonged to the Italian consul in Bagdad.
1937 The silver Jubilee of H.H. The Sultan of Zanzibar Middlesbrough Engraved and printed by Hood & Co Limited Sanbride works (Large size photo book)
First 1886 German edition (third issue) of Memoirs of an Arabian Princess
The cover of each issue of the first edition was published in a different colour!
The cover shows Zanzibar palace buildings in 1886, the building on the right is the House of Wonders that was built in 1883.
1937 The Arabs by Bertram Thomas New York Double day, Doran and co
1938 Arab Rule under the al bu Said Dynasty of Oman 1741-1937 by Bertram Thomas British academy 1938
1938 East Africa and its Invaders by Coupland: Oxford Clarendon Press
1939 A guide to Zanzibar second edition Government printer Zanzibar
1939 The Exploitation of East Africa 1856-1890 The Slave Trade and the Scramble by R. Coupland, Faber and Faber limited London
1939 Zur Geschichte des Deutschen handels mit Ostafrika: Ds Hamburgische Handelshaus by Ernst Hieke. Oswald & Co Hamburg Verlag Hans Christians
1940 Doctor in Arabia by Paul Harrison New York John Day Company
1940 Sons of Sindbad by Alan Villiers Hodder and Stoughton An account of sailing with the Arabs in their Dhows, in the Red Sea, round the Coasts of Arabia, and to Zanzibar and Tanganyika; Pearling in the Persian Gulf ; and the Life of the Ship-masters and the Mariners of Kuwait
1941 Life of Percy Cox London Hutchinson
1944 Naval Intelligence Iraq and the Persian gulf Naval intelligence division
1946 Western Arabia and the red sea. Geographical handbook Naval intelligence division
1947 The Arab of the desert by Dickson (over Kuwait) London Allen & Unwin
1947 A new Journey in Southern Arabia by Thesiger London The Royal geographical Society
1947 The sand kings of Oman by Raymond O'Shea London Methuen & Co
1947 Aden to the Hadhramaut by Daniel van der Meulen published by John Murray 1947. Daniel van der Meulen was the Dutch consul-general in Djedda from 1926-1931. Just like Snouck-Hurgronje before him he supported the large number of Muslims from the Dutch East Indies during the Hajj in Mekka. Many people from the Hadhramaut in Yemen were working in the Dutch Indies and the Dutch government did not know much about them. Therefore they asked Daniel van der Meulen to explore that part of Yemen during the 1930's. Daniel van der Meulen also took many photos during his trip (these are now part of the collection of the Tropen Museum in Amsterdam) The book was published much later due to the second World-war.
1949 A guide to Zanzibar. Government printer Zanzibar
1949 The useful and ornamental plants in Zanzibar and Pemba, by R.O. Williams, Zanzibar Protectorate, St Ann's Press
1951 The Arab of the Desert, A glimpse into Badawin life in Kuwait and Sau'di Arabia by H.R.P Dickson, London George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
1954 The Persian Gulf: An historical sketch from the earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century by Arnold Wilson
1957 Sultan in Oman by James Morris London George Allen & Unwin. This is by far the best book written about Oman in the 1950's, very well written and interesting!!. He visited Oman as the guest of the current Sultan's father and predecessor, Said bin Taimur. He vividly describes the people of Oman, the state of the country and the Sultan fighting the revolt in the interior (Nizwa at the centre) , with Suleiman bin Himyar as one of the Sultans main opponents. 50 years later (2005) Jan Morris returned, as a woman(!), back to Oman and describes her observations in a very interesting article in the Financial Times of November 5/6 2005: "Look at them now , half a century later! Allah is great indeed! Stalwart bright eyed, the men in spotless white robes and colourful turbans, the women often in veils of subtle seduction, the children tall and marvellously vivacious - it really is as through some miracle has occurred. It has happened of course , because science has been allowed into Oman, but it has nothing to do with democracy. etc." ; "Nothing, however is one-dimensional in Oman. Behind all the progress lurk sad and brutal memories. The universal charm of the country may well obscure, for all I know, more complex emotions. etc."
1957 Isle of Cloves by F.D. Omanney London Travel Book Club
1959 Arabian Sands, the remarkable true story of one of the greatest adventures of modern times, by Wilfred Thesiger E.P. Dutton and Company Inc. New York (there is also a London edition) Thesiger is often described as the last of the great explorers of Arabia. He travelled through the desert with the Bedouin and he dressed himself traditionally also as an Omani Arab including wearing an Omani khanjar (dagger) The bedouin named him "Mubarak bin London" He was fascinated by the life and culture of the Bedouin and was disappointed to find most of it had disappeared when he returned to modern Oman. Apart form a very good explorer and writer, he was also a very good photographer. He has made fantastic photographs of Bedouin life in Oman, Yemen and the Emirates. All his photos are in black & white.
1962 Ahmad bin Na'amans Mission to the united states in 1840 by Hermann Frederick Eilts in the quarterly Essex Insitute Historical Collections October 1962. Reissued by Embassy of Oman in Washington.
1963 Woestijnen van Arabie by Thesiger Den Haag Leopolds (First Dutch edition of Arabian Sands)
1965 Zanzibar background to Revolution by Michael Lofchie Princeton University Press
1966 Chau Ju-Kua His work on the Chinese and Arab trade in the 12th and 13th centuries (Chu-fan-chi) Amsterdam Oriental Press
1966 Unknown Oman by Wendell Phillips Longmans Green & Co
Wendell Phillips (1921-1975) was an flamboyant explorer, archaeologist-oil baron, spy? who headed the Wendell Phillips Oil Company.
1966 The Traditional Crafts of Persia by Wulff Massachusetts MIT press
1966 The Pirates of Trucial Oman by H. Moyse-Bartlett London MacDonald
1967 Warlords of Oman. by P.S. Alfree New York Barnes and Company
1967 OMAN SINCE 1856: Disruptive Modernization In A Traditional Arab Society. by Robert Geran LandenPrinceton university press
1967 British Interests in the Persian Gulf by Abdul Amir Amin Leiden Brill
1969 Looking for Dilmun (A Personal Narrative of the Discovery of a Fifth Great Civilization) by Bibby New York Knopf ( important book on archaeology in the Gulf)
1971 Oman a History by Wendell Philips Longman grp Ltd.
Wendell Phillips (1921-1975) was an flamboyant explorer, archaeologist-oil baron, spy? who headed the Wendell Phillips Oil Company.
1973 Sohar and Omani Seafaring in the Indian Ocean by Andrew Williamson director of antiquities Sultanate of Oman. Muscat Petroleum Development Oman
1975 and onwards Journal Of Oman studies 13 parts Muscat Ministry of National History and Culture. (many articles on the archaeology in Oman)
1975 Tippu Tip and the East African slave trade(reprint in English) by Brode (translation / rework Leda Farrant) New York Sint Martins Press
1975 Muscat and Oman by Ian Skeet The end of an Era London The Travel Book club
1976 Locks from Iran: Pre-Islamic to twentieth century : [exhibition] by Parviz Tanavoli John Wertime Smithsonian Institute
1976 Historical and Cultural Dictionary of the Sultanate of Oman and the Emirates of Eastern Arabia by John Duke Anthony, The Scarecrow press Inc. Metuchen N.J.
1976 The Last Corner of Arabia by Michael Darlow and Richard Fawkes London Namara Publications Quartet book
1976 Soutien total au peuple d'Oman (Full support to the people of Oman) Paris Almonde/IPCC Marxist Poster in support of the rebels in Dhofar
1976 Historical and Cultural dictionary of the Sultanate of Oman and the Emirates of Eastern Arabia by John Duke Anthony, the scarecrow press Metuchen N.J. 1976
1977 Water and Tribal Settlement in South-East Arabia A study of the Aflaj of Oman by J.C. Wilkinson Clarendon Press Oxford
1978 Omani Silver by Ruth Hawley London Longman The first book dedicated to Omani silver. Makes an important link between the design of Omani silver an that of Greek/Roman / Byzantine periods.
1978 Arabia In Early Maps; A Bibliography of Maps covering the Peninsula of Arabia printed in Western Europe from the invention of printing to the year 1751 by G.R. Tibbetts, Published by Published by The Oleander Press, 17 Stansgate Avenue, Cambridge First Edition . 1978
1978 Arabian Studies IV (part of a series) by R.B. Serjeant R.L. Bidwell C. Hurst & Company Contains a chapter with bibliographic notes European accounts of Muscat 1500-1900. p 123-159 and a chapter on the Manuscript collection at Muscat p 161-208 (with photo´s of manuscripts)
1979 Islamic Arms and Armour edited by Robert Elgood, London Scolar Press
1982 Arab & Islamic silver by Jadir Important overview of antique silver in the Middle East incl some Omani silver. London Stacey International
1982 Tribes in Oman by J.R.L. Carter London Peninsular Publishing. Important book: Well illustrated throughout Includes many pedigrees and family trees. Oman forms part of an area whose importance for the rest of the world has been emphasized by recent events. To understand the outlook and shape of its society, one must appreciate the nature of the tribes in Arabia. In Oman lies one of the richer areas for the study of tribal structure in the Peninsula. This volume draws heavily on the rapidly shrinking body of oral tradition. It reveals the flexibility and unique nature of tribal structure and relationships with the main, yet often misleading, division between nomads and townspeople. All the descents of the main groups in Oman are given as well as their links with other groups elsewhere in Arabia. In addition to the tribal structures, the book also outlines the tribes' way of life in the desert and the town, with attention given to their weapons, jewellery and parts of their folklore
The best book on Omani arts and crafts
1982 HGM Tullemans Pere Etienne Baur en d Arabische opstand van 1888-1889 Promotion Thesis 1982 2 volumes University of Nijmegen
1982 The Sindbad Voyage by Tim Severin Hutchinson London Melbourne Sydney Auckland Johannesburg
1983 Old Oman by W.D. Peyton Important source on the (very rare) early photos of Oman (1900-1950).It has been said of Oman that "the middle ages stopped in 1970" certainly before the accession of Sultan Qaboos, little had changed in the country's outward aspect for many generations London Stacey International
1984 History of Seyd Said (reprint) by Vincenzo Maurizi. The first book devoted exclusively to Oman (1819) with a new introduction by Robin Bidwell Camebridge The Oleander Press (One copy was sold for nearly 5000 pounds at auction ten years ago in London)
1984 Annals of Oman by Sirhan Ibn Said ibn Sirhan (reprint) Oleander Press 1984
1985 Julfar: An Arabic Port: An Arabian Port, Its Settlement and Far Eastern Ceramic Trade from the 14th to the 18th Centuries by John Hansman . Note: Julfar was port of Oman for a long time. Note the porcelain / pottery shards you find on the surface of Qalhad are very similar as ones found in Julfar. London The Royal Asiatic Society
1987-1994 Tribute to Oman an annual Magazine that contains interesting articles on Omani antiques and history by e.g. Robert Richmond and others. Muscat Apex.
1987 Omani Silver by second edition Ruth Hawley London Longman The first book dedicated to Omani silver. Makes a link between the design of Omani silver an that of Greek/Roman / Bysantine periods.
1987 Minister in Oman Minister of Foreign and external affairs by Neil McLeod Innes , the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman 1953-1958 Camebridge Longman group
1988 Records of Oman 1867-1947 Selected and edited by R.W. Bailey Volume VII Economic affairs Archive Editions Farnham England
1989 Bedouin Jewelery in Saudi Arabia by Heather Colyer Ross London Stacey Focuses on Saudi jewelry. Useful to differentiate with Omani silver. First edition 1978.
1989 Traditional Spinning and Weaving in the Sultanate of Oman Historical Association of Oman. Gigi Crocker Jones
1989 Archaeological Collections, Vol. 1 by Lombard, Pierre & Kervran, Monik. Bahrain National Museum, Bahrain Directorate of Museum and Heritage
1989 Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates Vol.5 by Al Ain Department of antiquities and tourism The fine museum in Al Ain has similar archaeological finds and antiques as Omani museums.
1990 History of Currency in the Sultanate of Oman by Robert Darley-Doran London Balding + Mansell Ltd
1990 Emirates Archaeological Heritage by Shirley Kay Dubai Motivate Publishing. Contains ancient chlorite vessel similar to ours.
1991 Nederlanders aan de kusten van Oman by B.J. Slot Den Haag Museon : Extremely important booklet with information based on Dutch VOC documents from the 17th century relating to Oman!!
Important booklet that includes a visit of a Duch VOC ship to Oman in the 17th century
1991 Oman a seafaring Nation Muscat by William & Michael Rice Facey Oriental Printing Press
1991 French Consul in Muscat in 1905 by Xavier Beguin Billecoq (French and English Edition) Paris
1991 Weapons of the Islamic world: Swords and Armour Riyad Saudi Arabia King Faisal center for research and Islamic studies
1991 The Thesiger Collection. A catalogue of unique photographs by Wilfred Thesiger. These rare photographs provide a unique record of the legendary travels of one of the great explorers of the twentieth Century. Hand-Finished photographic prints can be ordered form this catalogue. , Published by Motivate publishing, Dubai United Emirates.
1991 Musandam architecture and material culture of a little known region of Oman by Paolo M. Costa, Immel publishing London
1992 Atlantis of the Sands The search for the lost city of Ubar by Ranulph Fiennes London Bloomsburry. The search for Ubar by westerners has a long history: Fiennes had been in Oman before as a soldier (seconded to the Sultan´s armed forces) during the Dhofar troubles (around 1967). Having read T.E. Lawrence account of previous attempts to late Ubar (sometimes called Wabar) he had the chance to seek it for himself. Fiennes became obsessed with the idea of locating the legendary frankincense city. Before him Bertram Thomas tried to find Ubar, After him came J.B. Philby and next Wilfred Thesiger. Thesiger found ancient camel trails worn out in rocky areas. None of them manage to locate the city. Next came Wendell Philips who tried to find the city after getting initial support by the Sultan he was kicked out of the country. Then in 1991 came Fiennes who had enlisted NASA to provide satellite images to identify potential locations. NASA did manage to provide a much clearer picture of the came trails that Thesiger had mentioned before. During his expedition Fiennes has manage to find the remains of a town / village that has partly falling into a sinkhole, which fitted the description in the legend.
1992 Seafarers of the Gulf Shirley Kay Dubai Motivate Publishing
1993 An Arabian Princess Between Two Worlds: Memoirs, Letters Home, Sequels to the Memoirs, Syrian Customs and Usages by E. van Donzel Leiden Brill. The best and most complete biography on the life of Bibi Salme / Emily Ruete.
1993 Forts of Oman by Walter Dinteman (Arabian Heritage Premier Editions) Dubai Motivate publishing
1993 The Arabs of the Gulf by B.J. Slot Leidschendam. Information on Oman, Persia and the gulf states based on contemporary information form the dutch VOC archives. Slot was in charge of the VOC archives as director of the KB. Extremely important important source on the history of Oman.
1993 A short history of the relations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Netherlands by B.J. Slot Oman-Holland Muscat Mazoon Printing Very rare booklet produced for the Dutch embassy in Oman.
1993 Dr. B. Slot Oman-Holland A short History of the relations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Netherlands Muscat (In Dutch and Arabic)
1994 Oman - Twenty-Five Centuries of Travel Writing by Xavier Beguin Billecoq Paris. Relations Internationales & Culture. Very interesting and useful book.
1994 Arms and armour of arabia in the 18th 19th and 20th centuries by Elgood The most important book on Omani arms
1994 Works of Architectural Restoration in Oman by Maria Antonietta Biancifiori Rome De Luca
1994 The Jews of Yemen: Highlights of the Israel Museum Collection by Esther Muchawsky-schnapper Jerusalem Hamakor Printing. Useful source to compare Yemenite and Omani silver.
1994 Yemeni Pottery by Sarah Posey published by British Museum Press. Useful source to compare with Omani pottery. In fact some of the pieces shown (even one on the front cover) are probably from Dhofar in Oman.
1995 The heritage of Oman Lois Peter Vibe Publishing
1996 SAS Secret War (reprint) Codename Operation Storm by (reprint) Major General Tony Jeapes Glasgow Harper Collins First published in 1980
1997 Oman Adorned London Apex. by Pauline Shelton / Robert Richmond. Limited edition. By far the most important book on Omani silver, folio size. Rare limited edition. A real treasure!
Best book on Omani silver jewelry: Oman Adorned
1997 An Investigation Into Qasimi Piracy 1797-1820 by Charles E. Davies Blood-Red Arab Flag: University of Exeter Press
1997 Indigo in the Arab world" by Jenny Balfour-Paul Contains a lot of information on Oman including the Zar process.
1998 Changing Rural systems in Oman. by Roderic Dutton The Khabura Project London Kegan
1998 Disappearing Treasures of Oman by Forster, Avelyn Archway Books Useful book on Omani silver.
1998 Doors of Zanzibar by Uwe Rau; A. Mwalim London HSP Publications
1998 Zanzibar Stonetown an architecural exploration by Prof Abdul Sheriff(text) Javed Jafferji (photos) Gallery Publications Zanzibar
1999 Ceremonies & Celebrations of Oman by Abdulrahman bin Ali Alhinai Reading Garnet Publishing Ltd
1999 The Road to Ubar finding the Atlantis of the Sands by Nicholas Clapp, published by Houghton Miffin Company Boston New York
2000 Silver the traditional art of Oman by Ruth Hawley Revised and extended edition. London Stacey International Replaces the blue booklet.
2000 A world of rings Africa, Asia, America by Anne van Cutsem Milan Skira. Useful source to compare Omani jewelry with ethic jewelry form other nations.
2001 Muscat Gate Museum memoirs of History Muscat Diwan Of Royal Court
2001 A world of earrings Africa, Asia, America by Anne van Cutsem Milan Skira. Useful source to compare Omani jewellery with ethic jewellery of other nations.
2002 A world of bracelets Africa, Asia, Oceania, America by Anne van Cutsem Milan Skira Useful source to compare Omani jewellery with ethnic jewellery of other nations.
2003 Palinurus Journals by Jessop Hulton The Palinurus was the ship of the Indian navy that mapped the coast and waters of Oman. This links to some of my large early (19th century) maritime naval maps of the coast of Oman! London Oleander Press. Contains detailed information on the British expeditions on Socotra also visislbe on our antique map of Socotra.
2003 The craft heritage of Oman by Neil Richardson & Marcia Dorr. Dubai Motivate publishing Very important book on Omani antiques and covers much more than silver. This is a major work on Omani antiques and much wider that Omani silver.
2005 Kilwa Kisiwani Ancienne cite portuaire de la cote d´Afrique de l´est, by Karen Moon, Total identity, Dar es-Salaam Tanzania
2005 Ancient Port city of the East African Coast, by Karen Moon (same booklet as the previous, but in English)
2005 The early postcards of Zanzibar by P.C. Evans East Africa study circle ISBN0951586556
2005 A silver Legend The History of the Maria Theresa Thaler by Clara Semple Manchester Barzan Publishing Very important as for the last 2 centuries the Maria Theresa Thaler was the most important currency in Oman. Most antique silver is made from the beautiful silver in the Thaler. Note that more recent pressed Thalers have a different ally, more yellowish.Consequently later Omani jewelry tends to be more yellowsh.
2006 The Arab chest by Sheila Unwin . The only book on Omani chests. The part for identifying types of chests was published first in early editions of the guide to Zanzibar and in ...
2006 Unterwegs am Golf. Along the Gulf: Von Basra nach Muscat. From Basra to Muscat, by Annegret Nippa Hermann Burchardt (photos) Schiler Hans Verlag (Sept. 2006)
2006 Aspects of Omani Postal History Alistair Gunn and Calvin Allen
2007 Historical Muscat An Illustrated Guide and Gazetteer by J.E. Peterson Leiden Brill . Compare the illustrations with my air photographs of Muscat from the 1930´s.
2009 Oman Catalog of the Oman exhibition in the Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam 2009/2010. The best exhibition and catalog on Oman´s history and arts and crafts I have seen so far.
2009 Traditional silver jewelry and handicrafts from Oman by Jean Greffioz
2009 Oman faces and places from PDO News magazine. Muscat. Published by petroleum Development Oman.
2010 The Sultan´s Shadow One family´s Rule at the crossroads of East and West by Chrsitiane Bird New York Random House
2010 Islamic Art in Oman Al Royal Press House / Mazoon printing. Muscat Oman
2010 Mtoni palace, Sultan & princess of Zanzibar by Antoni Folkers etc. contains interesting chapter on Islamic pottery Lecturis Eindhoven
2010 Ibadism origins and early development in Oman by Johan C. Wilkinson Oxford Oriental Monographs, Oxford University Press John C. Wilkinson is a former Reader at Oxford university. His other books include Water and Tribal Settlement in Oman and The Imamate tradition of Oman and Arabia's Frontiers. Ibadism represents a branch of the third great division in Islam, that of the Kwawarij / Muhakimma . it survives in some isolated communities in North Africa but manifests itself periodically in Oman as a full Imamate well into the twentieth century. HvW: Ibadism is a branch of Islam currently dominant in Oman and Zanzibar.
2010 The traditional Women´s Dress of Oman by Julia m. Stehlin-Alzadjali, The Centre for Omani Dress has produced this beautifully illustrated book on the traditional dress of women from the Sultanate of Oman. The book's content is based on accumulated knowledge from within the Centre and its ever-growing collection of over 800 pieces from across Oman. Examples of dress from each region of Oman are illustrated, explained and accompanied by full-colour photographs of women, adorned in their national clothes. This is the first book dedicated to the subject of Omani dress to ever be published
2011 A Century of Potting in the City of Worcester: Being the History of the Royal Porcelain Works, from 1751 to 1851, to Which Is Added a Short Account of the Celtic, Roman, and Medieval Pottery of Worcestershire (Important Modern Reprint. Book was first published in 1865 228 pp. This book contains the background of my Worcester plate with the hand-painted picture of Muscat and the ship Prince Regent given by King William V to the Sultan (Imaum) of Muscat in 1837 on board the ship Prince Regent. Our plate is illustrated and described in the book. The dinner service of which our plate was part was a once of production and send on board the ship Prince Regent pictured on the plates.
2012 Shipwreck & Survival in Oman 1763. The fate of the Amstelveen and thirty Castaways on the south coast of Arabia, based the notes by Cornelis Eyks by Klaas Doornbos Amsterdam Pallas Publications (maybe links to the Dutch bronze ship tool, to cast bullets in our collection that was bought in Nizwa).
2012 Blinded by appearances”? Paratexts and paradigms in the material life of Emily Ruete’s Memoirs of an Arabian Princess (1886) by Dr. Kate Roy.Dr Kate Roy to speak at the CLAS research seminar Thursday 11 October Liverpool University.
2014 Throw down the anchor The story of the Muttrah souq by Maxine Burden, centre for Omani dress, Muscat Media Group
2015 Only the " Outward Appearance" of a harem? Reading the memoirs of an Arabian princess as Material text by Kate Roy 13/1/2015 in Distinctions That Matter / Fictions Economiques Belphegor literature populaire et culture Comment: Interesting but not sure if all the conclusions make sense. Again no full analysis of the different German and English first edition issues (with different covers)
2015 The Sultan's Spymaster Peera Dewjee of Zanzibar by Judy Aldrick published by Old Afrika books Kenya.
2016 The National Museum of Oman Highlights published by Scala Arts & Heritage publishers in 2016
2016 Illuminated Qurans from Oman by Heinz Gaube and Abulrahman al Salimi, Vol 8 of the series on Ibadism and Oman Published by Georg Olms 221 pages and many colour illustrations.
2016 The bronze age towers at Bat, Sultanate of Oman Researched by the Bat Archaeological Project 2007-2012 edited by P. Thornton etc. Published by University of Pennsylvania 330 pages
Hand painted Lacquer book cover
that belonged to Sir Percy Cox and to Lord Curzon´s daughter