Book details:
Rare book and with a unique manuscript letter by Fraser, concerning events during his journey, bound in. First edition.
Contents: 4to, xv, 623 (624 is a blank),148 pp. Large paper copy. Large engraved folding map, errata slip. Contemporary leather binding with on the front and back covers the gilt stamp of the " society of the writers of the signet" The fore-edge is finely marbled in different colours. An excellent copy.
Fraser's travel books are all informative and useful. - Ghani. Fraser, a traveler and man of letters, accompanied Dr Jukes on his mission to Persia, reaching Tehran on 29th November and afterwards, 27th December, set out in Persian costume with the intention of traveling through Khorasan to Central Asia. The first part of the narrative deals with Fraser's voyage up the Persian Gulf and the latter, and most considerable part, is occupied by the journey from Tehran to Mushed, and thence to Astrabad, visiting areas where no Europeans have been before. This vivid account includes accurate descriptions of the countries and the inhabitants.
Contains an original handwritten letter by James Baillie Fraser on "Japanese paper" watermarked 1824. Addressed to Mary Rich regarding the death of her Husband during his travel to Baghdad (described in the book) . With integral address leaf (Mrs Rich , Sir James Mackintosh's, Lower Cadgogan Place, Sloane street) endorsed by the recipient. Presenting a copy of his first work to Mrs Rich. James Baillie Fraser (1783-1856) travelled in Persia and Kurdistan in 1821-1822 and in 1825 published his first major work "narrative of a journey into Khorasan" This letter presents a copy of that book to mrs Rich , whose husband C.J. Rich had died in Baghdad whilst Fraser's journey was being made, and asks for "a sincere & true critical opinion of Sir James Mackintosh (her father) and stresses that he only desires "a general notice which I am sure you can give me in small compass" So the book was presented to Mrs Rich.
James Fraser and his brother William (1784-1835) were well known in their own day but have more recently become famous as patrons of Indian artists: the spectacular drawings and paintings which they commissioned were rediscovered in modern times and dispersed at auction in 1980 for extremely high prices. ) |