HvWO 053

Antique Omani silver Koran box (cylinder design with arabesque)

Silver Koran box

Very rare Omani silver small cylinder shaped Hirz, typically worn by children. Weight is 20 grams but filled with resin.  Length 5 cm. Rare type.


Omani silver koranbox

Arab Name: Hirz  (meaning amulet box)

Period: 1850-1900

Origin: Central Oman

  1. Oman Adorned by Pauline Shelton  Robert Richmond / Apex London 1997 p 90 - 97
  2. A tribute to Oman The Sultanates Yearbook: 1993/1994 "Magical designs" Robert Richmond. Apex Ruwi page 52-58
  3. Oman Faces and Places page 138
  4. PDO News No 4/1992 p 28.
  5. Oman Faces and places, articles from PDO News magazine 2009 p 138