HvWO 106I

Antique Omani D-shaped silver bracelet named Mekaddebit. Omani silver jewelry from Dhofar Oman

Antique Omani silver bracelet named Mekaddebit

Bracelet named Mekaddebit. Rare (but I have seen Indian fakes in the Muttrah souq the last time we visited Oman) The most expensive of the distinctly Dhofari bracelets, worn all over Dhofar , by Bedouin of the Northern and Western Dhofar areas and the Mahri people was the D-shaped bangle called Mekaddebit. It is made of high quality silver, however the decorated side is hollow and typically filled with pitch or bitumen, while the core of the curved part is sometimes made of brass. Weight 140 grams Length 8,5 cm.


Antique Omani silver bracelet

Arab names: Mekaddebit / Sukaylat (Carter) / Mukadabat

Period: 1850-1950

Origin: Oman: Dhofar region (Carter sees some influence from work in the Hadramawt in Yemen)

  1. Oman Adorned by Pauline Shelton  Robert Richmond / Apex London 1997 p 269-271; 276-278 /
  2. J.L. Carter Tribes in Oman Peninsular publishing 1982 page 110 ;
  3. Catalog of the Oman exhibition in the Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam 2009 page 135
  4. Silver jewellery of Oman by Jehan S Rajab 1997 page 64 
  5. Traditional silver jewelry and handicrafts from Oman 2009 by Jean Greffioz p 96
  6. British Museum on-line collection number: 2009.6023.83-84 Weight 146 and 147 grams length 8,5 cm Pair of heavy silver D-shaped bangles (mukaddabah or mekaddebit) decorated with stamped designs and wire-work. These are considered the most expensive of the distinctly Dhofari bracelets although they are not solid silver. The straight edge of the D-shape is hollow and filled-in with pitch or bitumen (lek), and the twisted rope-like curve of the D-shape is made by beating a layer of silver over a core of several twisted wires made of brass (or other inexpensive metal) Worn by women of southern and central Oman, including the Bedouin of the northern and western desert areas and by the Mahra people
  7. Oman Faces and places, articles from PDO News magazine 2009 134
  8. Oman and its Renaissance  by Sir Donald Hawley Stacey International London 1987 page 139 photo with similar item