HvW 1997a

1997 Oman Adorned. A portrait in silver by Pauline Shelton and Robert Richmond

Oman Adorned


Rare book with the title "Oman Adorned a portrait in silver" by  Pauline Shelton  and Robert Richmond and published by Apex Muscat / London 1997 .  Most important work on Omani silver based on the silver collection of Robert Richmond and others. Very expensive book , but it is worth every penny if you are interested in ethnic jewellery!


 Oman Adorned. A portrait in silver

Oman Adorned. A portrait in silver

Description:  Information on the "flap" of the book cover:  "Legions of books exist on ethnic jewelery , but few focus on the Arabian Gulf and those that pay scant attention to the Sultanate of Oman. Omani silversmiths were renowned for their skill but, since oil brought prosperity to Oman in the early 1970´s , gold became affordable to more and more Omani women. They traded in their old silver jewellery, silver smiths became antique dealers and Oman´silver heritage dispersed virtually overnight. Rashid Abdullah Richmond and Ian McLeish between them have a unique collection  totalling more than several thousand pieces of Omani silver jewellery. Apex Publishing took this collection to all corners of the Sultanate to photograph it on Omani women as it was worn , and Miranda Morris and Pauline Shelton have interviewed the women  who remember wearing the silver and the smiths who remember making it. The resulting book is a unique publishing event. One that quite simply not be repeated.  This portrait of Omani silver heritage is a collector´s item, a cultural achievement and, it is hoped a record that may inspire the renaissance of a traditional craft" 
