
1925 Photos by Sir Percy Cox in article Some excursion in Oman 1900 / 1925 Nizwa Tanuf

Photos by Percy Cox Tanuf Nizwa Some Excursions in Oman

Sir Percy Cox / The Royal Geographical Society  Vol LXVI No3 pages 193-227 September 1925. Including two detailed maps at the end of the volume.

Photos of the interior of Oman taken in 1900 by Percy Cox when he was working in Oman, article published when he was head of the Royal Geographical Society. The photos include Nizwa and Tunuf. The one of Tunuf is interesting as most people know it only as a ruined city after the bombardment in the 1950´s by the British.

The photos are included in the photo slide-show.



 Antique photo Nizwa

Sir Percy Cox exploring Oman

The article describes a trip in Oman by Percy Cox made 25 years earlier (around 1900) when he was the British agent in Oman. The most interesting part of the article is the fact that it contains some very early photos of Oman taken in 1900.  It includes photos of the town Tanuf , Nizwa fort and the village Beni Habib in the Jebel Akhdar.  Sir Percy Cox became chairman of the Royal Geographical Society. When Rudolph the son of princess Emily Ruete and his wife were having tea with Mrs Cox,  Sir Percy Cox had a hunting accident and died.

In the "Books & Maps" section of our website we have a spectacular book "The Persian Question"  by Lord Curzon that belonged to Sir Percy Cox including his book-plate that shows him dressed as an Arab and dressed as a traditional Englishman, so he felt himself half an Englishman and half  an Arab! Percy Cox and Gertrude Bell also played a key role in the shaping of Iraq.

  1. Sir Percy Cox Some excursion in Oman 1925 Royal Geographical Society
  2. Travels in Oman , Philip Ward, The Oleander Press 1987 page 291