
Start of the revolt in 1888


March 1888 Sultan Barghash of Zanzibar  died and was succeeded by his brother Khalifa.  28 April 1888 Khalifa  signed a contract in which the German East Afrika Company (DOAG) rented part of the coastal area for an annual fee, the contract became effective in August. The German von Zelewski deeply offended the local Swahili / Omani population by walking with his dog into a mosque in Pangani. The DOAG flag could only be hosted next to that of the Sultan with military force by the Germans. Subsequently also  revolts broke out in Tanga, Bagamoyo and Kilwa. By end December the DOAG officials had to flee to the ships except for Bagamoyo and Dar Es Salaam. It now became clear to the German Government that the DOAG was unable to protect its territory  and that the German marine needed to intervene. Antique photo Pangani

Local houses in Pangani (ref 2 Photo by J. Sturtz)

According to Ref 1 the photo shows houses in Zanzibar town quarters of Ngambo!


Antique photo Bagamoyo

 Ref 1 describes this photo as the "The defenders of Bagamojo" The man on the horse is Freuherr von Gravenreuth . We see fast-firing canons and in the background are the Askari soldiers. Many of the Arabs in Bagamoyo fled and joined the enemy even the local Wali (Lamki) left ( Wangemann did not mention that the Wali (Lamki) was forced to leave his home by the Germans and initially refused to leave)

The manuscript text by Voelker below our copy of the photo (ref 2 J. Sturtz) says :

"Expedition von Dr. Peters vor dem abmarsch 1890" this may be incorrect?

antique photo Bagamoyo

Main street in Bagamoyo (ref 2 photo J. Sturtz)

antique photo Dar es Salaam

Bagamoyo (ref 1 photo J. Sturtz) According to Wangemann this is the central part of town. Similar to the drawing in Ref 3  page 139


Voelker writes: Dar es Salaam  (Ref 2 photo J. Sturtz ), but location wrong.


Antique photo Dar es Salaam

Ref 1: Dar es Salaam Boma photo J. Sturtz

Ref 2: Zanzibar Cocotoni (photo J. Sturtz)


Dar es Salaam antique photo

Dar es Salaam Panorama right side  (Ref 2)

On the left of the white building are the ruins of the old city and further to the left the ruins of the Sultan's palace (see below)

Ruins Dar es Salaam

Ruins Dar es Salaam Panorama left side


German Hospital Dar es Salaam

According to Ref 1 it is a German hospital in Dar Es Salaam.

According to Ref 2 (Voelker) it is a building in Bagamoyo, but probably wrong.


Ancient Arab Graveyard East Africa

Ancient Arab Graveyard on the coast of East Africa (ref 2)


Tanga East Africa

Dhows on the beach at Tanga (Ref 2)


Mission Tanga

Evangelical Mission in Tanga / Dar Es Salaam that was to be burned down by the Arabs (Ref 2)

Antique photo Tanga

Local people of Tanga 

 To control the uprising the German Marine (fleet ) was called in to help. The fleet would provide soldiers and block the coast of East Africa.

  1. Land und Leute in Duetsch Ost Afrika 1890 Wangemann (text); Sturtz (photos)
  2. Erinnerung an die Ostafrikanische Blockade und  meiner Reise an bord SMS Carola 1888-1890 (50 original photos, by naval officer J. Sturz, the album belonged to Emil Voelker and contains his manuscript captions on the photos) Emil Voelker was on-board the SMS Carola during these events.
  3. F.H. Behr Kriegsbilder aus dem Araberaufstand in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Mit einem Vorwort von H. von Wissmann 1891 On page 139 you find a woodcut of Bagamoyo based on the  above photo.