HvWO 047

Antique Omani silver Koran box for children

Koran box for children


Rare small rectangular Omani silver Hirz for children to avoid the evil eye and a small cylindrical Koran box.

Floral designs similar to the so called Sur anklets. Weight 7 grams. Length 5,5 cm. 



Antique Omani silver Koran box


Arab Name: Hirz (meaning amulet box)

Period: 1850-1950

Origin: Oman Sur?

  1. Oman Adorned by Pauline Shelton  Robert Richmond / Apex London 1997 p 90 - 97
  2. A tribute to Oman The Sultanates Yearbook: 1993/1994 "Magical designs" Robert Richmond. Apex Ruwi page 49-58
  3. Oman Faces and places Page 138